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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Anatoliy Tomashetc - hero of the anniversary

In this week the professorof NKSU Anatoliy Tomashetc has celebrate his 75-anniversary. Jubilize was held in ceremonial and friendly atmosphere. Anatoliy Konstantinovich is the tutor of department of motor transport, nowadays department of transport and mechanical engineering, from 1998, has been the Head of itfor 20 years, has defend his Cand's dissertation. Under the leadership of him about one hundred technical personnel were trained for region and republic in general.

Now he also teaches, and he is the example for youth, who shows his an active civic stand: head of the veterans’ council of the university, member of the party “Nur Otan”, and he is still going in for sport.

Anatoliy Timoshetc is mentioned with the letters, diploma and breastplate «За заслуги в развитии науки».

Gifts, congratulations and flowers were in this jubilee party in quantity. We wish Anatoliy Konstantinovich  will be got positive emotion in every following year!
