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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Sport means health

In September annual mini-football competitions was held in our university. This year this tradition differed from competition among the girls. The purpose of this event was to strengthen healthy lifestyles among young people. In the HEI Bayazitov Arman Amangeldinovich, chairman of the Youth Committee, made a speech and wished the athletes good luck.

The game was interesting. During the competition, the contribution of audience to the game was great. They supported their teams. It gave hope to the athletes.

First of all, the game took place among girls 2 and 3 dormitories. Girls of the second dormitory were the faster and stronger. Girls of the first and second dormitories competed in the quarterfinals. Cup was won by the girls of the second dormitory. Other teams were given gifts. We are pleased that the girls are engaged with their studies and sports. We wish that they would be winners in their life.
