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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Religion and Patriotism

Kazakhstan – secular state, on the independence year worked out its module of interethnic dialogue, the Assembly of Kazakhstan nations were founded and effected. With the assistance of the President every year congresses of the World religion delegate in Astana. It allows coexisting in peace and harmony for representatives of different confessions.

At NKSU named after M. Kozybayev also it is given attention to the matter of tolerance and religion skills of students.

On 24 October republic scientific-practical conference “Religion and Patriotismus” was held at the HEI. Heads of religious, public and youth organizations, scientists, students and teachers of the military school, NKSU took part in it.

 Opening the meeting the deputy akim of the region Pharkhad Kuanganov noticed: “The role of religion is growing in the modern society. Today there are 132 religious associations at the North Kazakhstan Region. It is formed favorable conditions of the coexistence between them.”

Marat Azilkhanov – acting Agency Chairman of RK for religious affairs, said that the contact of young man with the religion should be intended to creation of the favorable terms of spiritual and moral, patriotic regulation of man with the cultural-historic past, values of the previous generation, results of human activities and selflessness in protection of country.

At the conference points were discussed about participation of youth in banning the religious extremism, formation of tolerance and respect to representatives of the other culture and denomination.
