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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


The First President N.A. Nazarbayev – an internationally famous leader

Participants of the regional scientific-practical conference “The First President N.A. Nazarbayev – an internationally famous leader” became students, postgraduates and teachers of the HEI.

Opening the event the vice-rector responsible for educational work Mukaram Taizhanova noted, - all things, which were achieved over the years of the independence – result of the Head of the state wise policy.    

Students and postgraduates told about the role of Nursultan Nazarbayev in the historical process. Topics were developed as: informatization the society, rise energy effectiveness, youth politics, polylingualism, education a healthy life style among population. Every time the Head of the state pays attention to all these.

The best students – holders of rector’s, Manash Kozybayev’s, Maghzhan Zhumabayev’s, Skryabin’s grants and presidential scholarship were awarded by certificates for the best academic achievements, for participation in the scientific and social life of the HEI at the conference. In all 21 students are holders of the Head of the state scholarship in our HEI.       
