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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


The fund “BOTA” awards to the best students computers

In November awarding to the best scholarship holders of the Programme educational grant of the fund “BOTA” valuable prizes was held. The award youth confers on the high academic achievements for the past academic year and the best volunteer work. The number of successful students in PEG is risen from year to year. In 2011 winners were 12, in 2012 32 scholarship holders got awards.  

In this year names of 86 high achievers of the Programme were announced between all HEIs of Kazakhstan, where learn scholarship holders and 5 students, whose volunteer projects recognized as the best in the celebration in honour ceremony. Among winners of the contest – 2 students of 4 course of North Kazakhstan statet university named after M. Kozybayev. They are students of perfectly different specialties – “Social pedagogics and self-cognition” (Alzhanova Gulzhainar) and “State and municipal management” (Bekmagambetova Nazgul).  Gulzhainar and  Nazgul were awarded netbooks for good achievements  on results of 2012-2013 academic year in next ceremonies of PEG in turn on themes “The solving conflicts and problems,  stress tolerance” and “ Training for the beginning of the vocational career, part 2”.

 We congratulate contest winners with awards from the bottom of our heart!
