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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Conference, devoted to 110 anniversary of G. Ovchinikov

George Ovchinnikov – a scientist, a candidate of geographical sciences, a rector of Petropavlovsk teacher’s institute named after Ushinskiy (1953-1954), an organizer of the higher geographical education in NKO. In this week a scientific conference is held, devoted to the 110 anniversary of George Ovchinnikov. Colleagues and pupils of George Ovchinnikov, also students and teachers of the geography and ecology department have participated in it.     

They have remembered about the life and activities of the great teacher, advisor.  

George Ovchinnikov was born in the village Presnovka of NKO. He has graduated Petropavlovsk pedagogical technical school. Realized his activity at Geographical-economic Scientific-research institute in Leningrad. Topics of his research works were an actual for today noted participants: a status of NKO lakes, their seepage flow at the North Kazakhstan and others.

Being our HEI’s pride, a heritage of George Ovchinnikov is being the example for young scientists for today.
