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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Intellectual game "Polyglot"

3 picked teams of first-year students of NKSU various faculties took part in the intellectual game "Polyglot". In the beginning each team submitted "Visiting card" in Kazakh, Russian and English languages. The quiz on language skills, literatures and country-specific studies was the second competition. Further it was offered to children to watch 3 videos in three languages and to express the opinion on the offered theme: development of the state language, XXІІ Winter Olympic games in Sochi, the translation of the Kazakh alphabet in Latin.

A large number of students of different specialties was involved in game. As a result І place was taken by the "Bilim" team (combined MPF and FNSS). Kadisha Mukanova, Dair Nurlan (UiA-13 gr.), Maria Nurzhanova (IY-13 gr.), Asel Shupanova (Bo-13 gr.), Christina Melnikova (A-13 gr.) were the best polyglots.
