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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Performance premiere

This week actors of the Kazakh student's theater "Shanyrak" presented new statement – the comedy "One toy for five bachelors", which caused a storm of positive emotions in the audience.

The plot of performance was developed round a family where the father Kyrmambay one brings up five children. Brings up in the spirit of people traditions, without understanding modern customs and loose life of youth. He longs for the lost wife, and children, seeing it, decide to find the new spouse on an old age of years.

As a result the father made the choice, and also blessed a choice of children, and everything came to the end with the cheerful party.

All theatrical action was diluted with musical inserts.

Generally, performance turned out saturated and bright! In a hall smiles didn't stop shining, the audience estimated statement and presented to actors the most important award – an applause!
