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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Youth and science

At the HEI the international students' scientific and practical conference "Youth and science - 2014" was passed. To participate in it more than 400 reports were presented from scientific and educational centres of Kazakhstan, Russian and the Ukraine.

Оpening the event the Rector of NKSU Undasyn Ashimov greeted audience and also guests from Astana, Kokshetau, Karagandy, Zhetisu, Omsk, Ishim and others. He told about our university: "There are all conditions to occupy the scientific activity at university. The scientific-technical park is functioned, which consists of 7 scientific centres and 12 laboratories".

The serious hobby of youth for science allows them to become the experts more demanded and trained for real work. Therefore at conference problems of the most different spheres were considered by students: tolerance education in society, anthropogenous landscapes, water supply and others. Reports were prepared in Kazakh, Russian and English languages.

Work of conference was continued in 12 section meetings.
