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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Visit of the Deputy Prime Minister of RK and Minister of Education and Science of RK

This week the Deputy Prime Minister of RK Gulshara Abdykalikova, the Minister of Education and Science of RK Aslan Sarinzhipov, the akim of oblast Samat Eskendirov visited our university.

The rector of NKSU Undasyn Ashimov welcomed guests. At the beginning of visit they examined the main building of university. Further presentation of information systems of higher education institution - an educational portal and electronic administration was presented for them.

Excursion proceeded in the NKSU museum complex where about 3 thousand exhibits devoted to university history (earlier Pedagogical institute), achievements of higher education institution, faculties, life and activity of Manash Kozybayev, and also materials on archeology and ethnography are collected.

The center of astrophysical researches with observatory and planetarium became the following item of visit. Here guests could see the second-large telescope in Kazakhstan, allowing to carry out scientific supervision over the star sky. Today in the center astrophysical researches on grants of the Ministry of Education and Science directed on studying of silvery clouds, the short-term lunar phenomena are conducted, and also remote sensing of the earth is carried out.

Гульшара Абдыкаликова и Аслан Саринжипов остались довольны осмотренными объектами и в целом студенческим городком СКГУ им. М.Козыбаева. Gulshara Abdykalikova and Aslan Sarinzhipov were pleased with the examined objects and as a whole campus of NKSU named after M. Kozybayev.
