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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Discussion of topical issues of teaching of biology in higher education institution and school

The department of the general biology held the scientific and practical conference "Topical issues of teaching of biology in higher education institution and school". The conference purpose – an exchange of experiences with the qualified experts in biology, to direct students, future specialists, in the correct way.

Participants of conference read the papers. For example, the senior lecturer of the department of the general biology Saule Bazarbayeva acquainted participants of conference with the report "Features of teaching of biology in higher educational institution".

In conference part was taken by teachers of university, and also the teacher of secondary schools of Esil, Akkain, Shal akyn, Mamlyut, Zhambul rayons and city schools.

Students of university, future teachers of biology, participating in round table, got new necessary information.
