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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Day of the Constitution

Information technologies faculty has conducted an event devoted to the Constitution Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the branch “Bolashak” of the party “Nur Otan”.

Participants dwelt on the principles of the main law of the country at the event. The youth discussed the basic rights and duties of citizens, which have been enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan.   

An activist of YW “Zhas Otan” Alina Martynenko noted in her speech that the Constitution is that foundation, in which our general home, Independent Kazakhstan was built. It was the guarantee of our nation’s life of full value.

First deputy chairman of the branch “Bolashak” of the party “Nur Otan” Aleksandr Viktorovich Zel’ appeared before activists of YW “Zhas Otan”. “The party “Nur Otan”, being an integral part of civil society, which has the trust of 83% of voters in the last parliamentary elections, is responsible for the organization of effective interaction and a broad dialogue between the state and citizens. The party "Nur Otan" promotes a course of Elbasy inherent in the strategic policy documents of the state and is an important tool to promote the principles enshrined in the Constitution. Last year, the party has adopted a new Political Doctrine. This document, which proclaims the ideals that have guided the party in its activities, declares the basic values ​​of the ruling party "- noted A. Zel’.

It was noted also on the implementation of 12 party projects, promoting the values ​​of the Political Doctrine adopted at the XV Congress of the Party "Nur Otan" at the meeting.
