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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Closing of the X labour season of Zhasyl El and SBU

A ceremonial closing of the next X labour season of "Zhasyl El and SBU - 2014" got together not only representatives of our university, also active youth of the North Kazakhstan oblast at the university. The best fighters, units' commanders and employers were awarded by certificates and gifts in 10 nominations.

This year 323 fighters, more than 130 from them were the students of NKSU named after M. Kozybayev, participated in labour units Zhasyl El and SBU in all. Boys and girls have worked at 12 institutions and forestries, also at the building of Nazarbayev's intellectual schoolin Petropavlovsk. Besides that, they took part in actions as "The clear banks", "The clear entrance - the clear yard", "A march of parks" and others.

The unit of NKSU named after M. Kozybayev students took the first place among all building units of NKO! As confessing participants Zhasyl El and SBU - the wonderful possibility for youth to get a job in summer time, to find any abilities and friends.
