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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Presentation of a new book of the professor Z. Tayshibay

Professor of NKSU named after M. Kozybayev Zarkyn Tayshybay made another contribution to the Kazakh nonfiction.

Nowadays the founder of scientific history of Ablay khan, Zarkyn Syzdykovich, is the author of 7 monographs, 4 textbooks and more than 100 scientific articles. Last week, he presented to the public a book dedicated to the newspapers that were published in Petropavlovsk in the early twentieth century. The value of this study is that it contains information about the socio-political life of Kazakhstan in 1913-1919on the activities of the government "Alash Orda"

Newspaper "Jas Azamat" issues which, in particular, were the basis of the book is the first youth newspaper in the country. Such personalities as Smagul Sadvakassov, Koshke Kemegerov, Magzhan Zhumabaev have attended in its edition. In those years, they were about 20 years.

"Esil Dalasi" was the first cityprogressive bilingual newspaper in the region .

At the presentation the author spoke about the importance of the book. The participants shared their views.

In the future Zarkyn Syzdykovich plans to present the book in Astana.
