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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Academic mobility

An academic mobility has become one of the major components of the process of Kazakhstan universities integration in the international educational space. Students, undergraduates and doctoral students get a broad education having an access to recognized centers of knowledge, exploring the diversity of languages and cultures.

Today it is signed agreements with more than 80 universities and research centers of Kazakhstan, CIS and non-CIS countries.

In 2014, on the exchange program 18 students of our university have gained knowledge in universities of America and Europe. Vladimir Statsyuk and Natalia Yatsenko spent one semester at the Technological University of Tennessee USA. In addition to training the leisure time of students was designed for different types of activities ranging from sports to cultural sections. In this training, students see for themselves great promise: acquiring new knowledge, exchange of experience and new experiences that will certainly affect an employment in the future.

Those who are going to take advantage of mobility programs should be noted that to study at universities far abroad the important criterion is speaking in English, as well as an excellent study.
