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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Scientific-methodological seminar of APK

The department of “Assembly of People of Kazakhstan”, opened last year, has conducted the scientific-methodological seminar on the theme “The role of the intellectual potential of the faculty of North Kazakhstan state university named after M. Kozybayev in the scientific-methodological maintenance of the activity of Assembly of People of Kazakhstan on North Kazakhstan oblast”. Questions of developing the methodological materials on issues of cultivate an interconfessional tolerance and social accord in youth is opened at the seminar. Participants of the seminar have acquainted with the book of Doctor of Philology, Professor Z.P.Tabakova “Ethnopoetics. Dialogue of cultures and languages’. At the seminar all teachers, who actively participated in conducting the event as experts within the discipline “The Kazakhstan model of ethnoconfessional accord” for 3 years students of all specialties, were awarded the note of thanks.  

2015 year is announced as a Year of Assembly of People of Kazakhstan. Large events are planned on celebrating the 20th anniversary of Assembly in all Kazakhstan and our university too.  
