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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Astrophysical center

In a modern world a great attention is paid to study the celestial sphere. our university trains astronomers, specialists on this sphere.

The astrophysical center is founded on the basis of an observatory, which was built in 2004. It is equipped with a high-power 77 centimeters telescope with an electronic system of positioning, a distance control and data collection, also with a planetarium with a projection apparatus. This astrophysical center is the second in Kazakhstan by size and only once in HEIs, which allows to train specialists and to solve modern scientific issues.

During the year of existence of the scientific center under the guidance of Andrey Andreevich Solodovnik 2 candidate and 10 master theses have been defined. Today our scientists work on studying the resources of the Moon, a meteor activity that observed in NKO, and work out a traditional theme of our researches - noctilucent clouds. Noctilucent clouds are the highest clouds in atmosphere and an extreme thin natural phenomenon. There is some information about this phenomenon so far. The nature of noctilucent clouds is not known for a while, but it's known that they consist of an ice mainly.

The center cooperates with foreign organizations, works on international programs constantly. Also educational and scientific-popular lections are conducted for a population at the Astrophysical center. 
