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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


The Accreditation Visit

The peers of the International Acrreditation Agency ASIIN (Düsseldorf, Germany) will visit NKSU named after M.Kozybayev on 18th-19th February. They will conduct a number of meetings with administration, teaching staff and students to assess the quality of five degree programmes: 5B071900 Radioengineering, electronics and telecommunications, 6M071900 Radioengineering, electronics and telecommunications, 5B070300 Information systems, 6M070300 Information systems and 5B011100 Computer science.

The members of the peers group are representatives of ASIIN peers committee for Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, Computer science, representative of employers, student and representative from Kazakhstan Accreditation Agency. 

The visit's program
