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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


The English club

The English club members, students and teachers of the department of "Germanic philology", have conducted a regular exit meeting at picteresque places near the lake Pestroe. The supervisor and idea inspirer of the club is Candidate in Philologycal sciences, Associate Professor of the department Yevgeniy Yuryevich Tetyukhin for 25 years. For teachers and students such activities are the great way to spend the time far from the noisy city, from study days crowded with information. Informal atmosphere contributes to a free and easy talk. This extracurricular activity is used in popularity. In such activities the club members organize creative evenings, sing songs, conduct Shakespeare's readings. Students and teachers communicate with each others in English. Such meetings of the English club play a great role in the vocational guidance work, because pupils of secondary schools of Petropavlovsk take part in meetings too. 
