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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Conference dedicated to the 550 anniversary of Kazakh khanate

President Nursultan Nazarbayev in his message to the people of Kazakhstan "Nurly Jol - the way of the future" declared the 2015 year celebration of the 550th anniversary of the founding of the Kazakh Khanate. In honor of this historic date Regional scientific-practical conference "Kazakh Khanate - as the basis of statehood Kazakhs" was held in our university. The event was opened by rector of the university Undasyn Baykenovich Ashimov. In his speech, he said: "The celebration of the anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate promotes the formation a sense of ownership to the fate of their country in young people and the general population".

Representatives of public associations of the country participated in the conference, among them Galymzhan Naimanov - President of the public association "Bayymbet" of Astana. He noted that the representatives of different ethnic groups have repeatedly questions about the history of the Kazakh state, but now, historians may say with certainty about the date of formation of the Kazakh Khanate. Abylay Khan plays an important role in it, he has secured the borders of the state and established friendly relations with other countries. With the same opinion agrees Saule Malikova, director of the archive of NKO, referring to the documents, it also notes the importance of Abylaikhan in the history of our state.

The significance of this historic date is very important for the representatives of the Kazakh people and other nationalities living in our country - said the conference participants. Back to basics once again it shows that the Kazakh people has its own rich history, customs and traditions, as well as invaluable experience in building an independent sovereign state.

In the foyer of the first building it was organized a book exhibition "Kazakh Khanate as a historical heritage of great ancestors," where guests had the opportunity to get acquainted with the works, which tell about the formation of the Kazakh state.
