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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Conference "Psychoeducational support of personality"

How must personality form in our society? What problems of social education are there today? These and other questions are answered by the participants of the regional scientific-practical conference "Psychoeducational support of personality". The participants of the conference are directors, teachers and psychologists of the city schools, also teachers of NKSU named after M. Kozybayev. 

Such meetings are held every year in order to exchange experiences, practical skills in psychoeducational support, here concrete reccommendations are made, which can be used in the educational process.

For some years a room  of psychological counseling has been working at the university. Students, teachers and workers of the university turn to this room with different problems. 

The exhibition of books was organized on concerned issues in the conference. The authors of these boks are not only famous psychologists, also teachers of "Psychology" department.
