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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Architecture and Building Exhibition of TyumSAEU in our university

One of the important activities of our university is to strengthen cooperation with other universities and research centers. Especially close links are established with universities in neighboring regions of Russia. So in NKSU named after M.Kozybayev students and teachers of Tyumen State Architectural University presented exhibition of works. Its area was ​​63 sq.m.

Vice President for Scientific Work Alexander Tukachev noted that this exhibition had already visited Germany, Belarus, and now it is organized at our university. This is a good step in bilateral cooperation, exchange of experience and knowledge.

For students of specialty "Design" this exposition was especially interesting. New forms and innovative solutions attracted attention of future professionals.

Now we plan to introduce a similar exhibition in TyumSAEU. Not only with the designers works. Various lines of research work in NKSU named after M. Kozybayev and development of new technologies may be useful and interesting to our Russian colleagues.
