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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Meeting with the veterans of the home front

The month before of the national holiday The Victory at The Great Patriotic War it was held the ceremonial awarding the jubilee medals to the veterans of the home front. The university's rector Undassyn Baykenovich Ashimov welcomed the honorable guests. On behalf of all labor collective, he congratulated the veterans on the holiday and wished them long life and good health.

27 veterans, who worked selflessly dedicated their lives to the education of the younger generation, got awards. Among them was Vasiliy Mikhaylovich Zveryachenko. From the first days of The Great Patriotic War he wanted to go to the front inspite of the youth, but he had to stay in the home front. A few years after the war he devoted his life to pedagogical work. He had over 65 years experience as teacher.

At the meeting students listened with respect veterans, people, who was the standard of patriotism and love for his native land.

After the official part the creative teams of the University presented a holiday program, sang a song of victory for veterans .

