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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


The memorable tournament

22.09.2012. On the basis of our university there was held the basketball tournament dedicated the memory of masters of sports Anatoliy Borisko and Vladimir Gavrilenko. At the opening ceremony of the basketball competition there were participated not only the leaders of the university, but also the family members, friends and relatives of famous athletes. At this tournament the "Bars" team was without a rival, which in both their meetings rather confidently beat the train college students, and then young men from the university in the semifinal. Meeting with the last was got nervous the "Bars" representatives. But experience and well-organized team’s actions did result with a difference of 18 points. The team of veterans was taken a third final place; in a persistent struggle they defeated the students of the train college. Winners and prizemen got a cup, commemorative pennants and medals, and also the gifts of Anatoliy Borisko 's sons.
