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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Festival of languages of the people of Kazakhstan

Today, on the basis of our university it's passed XVII regional festival of languages of the people of Kazakhstan. The event was attended by Akim SKO Erik Sultanov, deputy akims of regions, heads of regional administrations, as well as teachers, students and pupils of schools of the city and the region.

The festival opened with the bright flash mob. Next, the guests and participants familiarized with the exhibition of arts and crafts, organized by the ethno-cultural organizations of the city and regions. Opening the solemn event, Erik Sultanov said that Kazakhstan was a unique country, where set all conditions for the development of the languages of all ethnic groups living there.

The event was organized by the Provincial Department of language development. It is worth noting that in the framework of the festival the winners of various categories and those who have contributed to the development and promotion of the state language were awarded certificates of honor and letters of thanks. Elbasy said "Threelingualism should be normal for our society" in his message to the people. Therefore, a student of our university, Alexander Nazarenko, convinced that language skills necessary for future generations.

Also, the participants of the festival watched the concert program of creative groups of the city and the region, which reaffirmed the unity and solidarity of all people living in our country.
