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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Competition for knowing the official language

Within the week of languages "Kazakh language' deaprtment has conducted a competition for knowing the official language among russian-speaking students. It was attended by first-year students who are fluent in Kazakh.

The children were divided into two teams: "Dostar" and "Bolashak". The competition consisted of five stages, each stage was in its original and complex. Students guessed words, expressed their thoughts, recalled proverbs and sayings. Bogdan Petrov, a future journalist, is proud to have an excellent knowledge of 2 languages.

All participants have sought to the victory, showing good results, but first place went to the team "Dostar", and the second - "Bolashak". Students were awarded letters of thanks with the wishes success in their studies.
