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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Meeting of the president of JSC "International programs centre"

In our university it's held a meeting of the president of JSC "International programs centre" with graduates of the international scholarship "Bolashak" of the president of the RK, who has educated abroad and worked in our region, state workers, teaching staff and other participants. The deputy akim of NKO Mukhtar Mankeev was participated in the meeting too. The participants discussed requirements of awarding the grants and novelties introduced for the successful entering of applicants.

The aim of the visit of Gani Nygymetov is to increase the number of entering persons on the program "Bolashak" in our region,where it remains low.

During 20 years of the existence of the program "Bolashak" more than 11000 graduates of Kazakhstan have visited 30 countries of the world. Statistics show that 22% of graduates learned on this grant fills the managing positions, they are fluent in three languages, during the years of learning they get an unique foreign experience.

For example, Akmaral Smagulova has finished a magistracy for international business in hotel industry and tourism in Switzerland in 2010-2011 and now she has get a job in our region successfuly. She is the manager of hte industrial-innovative development department.

It should be noted that there is no an age limit for entering persons. The most important thing is to know English and to aim to the goal, because the future of Kazakhstan depends on the high qualified, needed and competent specialists.
