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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


The university got acquainted with the Message of the President of Kazakhstan

On November 30, Nursultan Nazarbayev, will deliver a message to the people of Kazakhstan in Ak Orda. In his address, the President has clearly defined the direction of 2016. It is the growth, reforms and development.

On Monday together with the whole country students and teachers of the North Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybayev watched the direct transmission of the Message of the First President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev to people of Kazakhstan. The anti-crisis strategy of the country has become a major focus in the Message. "The global crisis is not only a risk, but also new opportunities,"  said the Head of the country.

The good news for the students has been the increased scholarships by 25% from January 2016. The rest of the social strata also receive support from the state.

Hi Tech Park "Astana business campus" of Nazarbayev University and the industrial park "Alatau" in Almaty will be high technology centers of the country. Work in these research bases will be a new impetus for the development of science and education in Kazakhstan.

Also, there will be changes in the field of vocational education. From 2017 training in this area will be free of charge. The President has urged the Kazakh youth to develop the worker's specialty.

On December 16 Kazakhstan counts down twenty-fifth anniversary of its independence. Despite the global reality, the Message of the President "Kazakhstan in the new global reality: the growth, development and reforms" has become a guarantor of security and stability for Kazakhstan people. Plans and objectives for the near future are clear. It allocated more than 7,2 trillion tenge. To take an active part in realization of the Message of the President is the duty of every citizen of Kazakhstan!
