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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Training at the military department is available to girls

At last our university has the gender equality: women along with the representatives of a strong half can get military card. By order of the Minister of Defense in the current year in higher education has accepted about five hundred (500) girls for the military department. In NKSU named after M.Kozybayev 28 future lieutenant are taking military training.

It was suggested to girls to master two specielties of four available especially at the military department: military psychology and ideology. The modern equipment, experienced teachers, acting military equipment and weapons - all this contribute to the quality training of young men and women, who by the way, train on equal terms. Platoons are not divided into male and female, as well as the norms for girls are not simplified. Training is carried out by the method of military day: the students are free for one day for training at the military department.

In our university, the girl at the military department is a novelty, but in fact there is nothing supernatural. For a long time, women has mastered those specialties that were once purely masculine. And 8,000 women are serving at the ranks of the army of the country, representing 12% of the total staff of the armed forces.

The participant of the contest "Miss Petropavlovsk", smiling, looks as good as the famous Pushkin's heroine Victoria Pronina wears camouflage instead of a long dress with crinoline and in her hand a Makarov pistol.

Students have entered the military department not looking for romance, or the benefits of a better life in the future, but only at the call of the heart. According to the leaders, women are not worse, and in some cases even better carry out than men their duties and contribute to the strengthening of discipline and ethics of communication in the military.

