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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


The city contest of readers is summed up

on 19 February, 2016 the city contest of readers "Oral tradition of Kazakhstan nation" was held in M. Kozybayev NKSU, which was dedicated to the International Mother Language day (21 February). The organizer of the contest was Assembly of People of Kazakhstan department.

The contest was conducted in order to keep and develop mother languages of the ethnic groups of Kazakhstan, to enhance the prestige of the native language and expand cultural horizons of young people by attracting attention to the creative heritage of the people of Kazakhstan.

The aim of the contest was the perception of ethnic mentality features by young people through the introduction to the folklore and the formation of awareness of a unified community - Kazakhstan people.

The contest organizers was hoping that the competition contributed to the development of a sense of belonging to the culture of the nation, the creation of creative conditions for the formation of motivation to improve the native language skills and expressions through immersion in the world of folklore.

The contest was attended by students of M. Kozybayev NKSU (12 persons), learners of Petropavlovsk humanitarian-technical college (7 persons) and Petropavlovsk building-economics college (6 persons).

The jury decided to award 25 participants listening to their performance in Kazakh, Russian, Ukrainian, Tatar, Uzbek and Chechen as follows:

  • Diploma "Grand Prize" - Danish Kseniya, Petropavlovsk building-economics college;
  • I place - Kalieva Akmarzhan, Petropavlovsk building-economics college;
  • II place - Pershutkina Marina, M. Kozybayev NKSU and Yakusheva Tatyana, Petropavlovsk building-economics college;
  • III place - Zhaeva Nuray, M. Kozybayev NKSU, Ilgunova Ekaterina, Petropavlovsk humanitarian-technical college6 Kherikhanova Madina, Petropavlovsk building-economics college.

Representatives of Administration of languages development of NKO, the branch "Bolashak" of the party "Nur Otan", teachers of departments of M. Kozybayev NKSU, representatives of Centers of peace and harmony of colleges, teachers of native languages of the Secondary school-complex of national rebirth № 17 were on the jury.

Participants demonstrated mastery of the declaration in such genres of folklore, as tales, legends, poems, epics, songs and chastushka in traditional costumes.

During the contest an entertainment program was presented to the participants.

