on 29 February, 2016 in M. Kozybayev NKSU it was summed up the essay contest "The history of my family - the history of my country" dedicated to the Thanksgiving Day.
The organizer of the contest was Assembly of People of Kazakhstan department of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan state university. The joint organizer of the essay contest was department of analysis and social reseraches of MSI "Centre for analysis and development of interconfessional relations" of the Office of Religioues of NKO.
The competition was held in order to strengthen and preserve the national unity through the formation of the youth's understanding of the common destiny of Kazakhstan nation, improvement of the spiritual world of youth by instilling moral values such as trust, respect, the ability to be grateful and to express their gratitude.
The competition set itself the task of developing the younger generation a sense of belonging to the tradition, the past and present of the country.
The competition was attended by students of 1-3 courses of different specialties studying in M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan State University.
The staff of Assembly of People of Kazakhstan department, the departments of "History and social-humanitarian disciplines" and "Kazakh language" of M. Kozybayev NKSU was on the jury of the essay contest "The history of my family - the history of my country" devoted to the Thanksgiving Day.
It was presented 21 essays for consideration, 9 of them in the national language, 12 - in Russian.
Considering the works the jury decided to award the participants as follows:
The organizers of the essay contest "The history of my family - the history of my country" hoped that the preparation and writing of the competitive work helped to attract students' attention to the in-depth study of the history of their region and family, to improve knowledge on genealogy and local history, encouraged self-research activities of students in this field of knowledge.