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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Annual festival "Alaman" is started

Students studying on the program "Serpin-2050" can show their worth in 10 various contests once again. There are contests on table games among them.

Chess, draughts, Kazakh national game "Togyzkumalak", this sport types require concentration and attentiveness. This year 1 and 2 year students of musical and pedagogical faculty have come to fight for the title of "Alaman Serpіn" in these not simple logic games.

Togyzkumalak is known for Tolganbay since a childhood. She has already taken part in such contests and has got prizes in school years. She has played togyzkumalak for the first time at the university. The student thinks that like this events have a good influence on youth and acquaintance with the national games.

Competitions on table games is the second competition of the festival "Alaman". The first competition is entitled "Serpіn - askak uranim". Students have proposed different versions of motto of the program "Serpіn". The best mottoes have been selected.

  • I place – SPS-15
  • II place – DOV-15
  • III place – PMNO-14

The festival will run until 20 March. After that, the winners will defend the honor of NKSU at the regional stage of "Serpіn Alamany".

