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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


APK department has conducted the seminar "Etnopoetics as means of education of tolerance in a multicultural society"

on March, 2016 "Assembly of People of Kazakhstan" department of M. Kozybayev NKSU conducted the scientific-methodological seminar "Etnopoetics as means of education of tolerance in a multicultural society" for teachers of Russian language, librarians of schools of Petropavlovsk and North Kazakhstan oblast, teachers of Official languages of the school №17, chairmen and members of ethnocultural units of the North Kazakhstan oblast Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, workers of state and school museums, teachers and students of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan State University.

The aim of the seminar was to determine the methodological base and practical application of etnopoetics as means of education of tolerance in a multicultural society.

The following objectives have been identified based on the aim:

  • to outline the main ways of putting into practice the works of mini-museums of literaturein local history at schools;
  • to introduce the methodological basis of the ethnopoetics analysis of texts of North Kazakhstan poets;
  • to identify ways to apply ethnolinguistics bases in the practice of teaching Russian language and literature;
  • to consider the possibility of using materials of the ethnopoetics analysis of texts in the work of ethno-cultural associations, public organizations and mass media of the North Kazakhstan oblast.

The following participants of the seminar have made reports:

  • "Направления деятельности научно-методического объединения кафедры АНК СКГУ им. Козыбаева по вопросам  межкультурного взаимодействия" Grivennaya Lyudmila Aleksandrovna - Candidate in History, the head of "Assembly of People of Kazakhstan";
  • "Презентация методического пособия "Этнопоэтика как средство воспитания толерантности" Ospanova Irina Vitalyevna - Candidate in Philology, Associate Professor of "Russian language and literature" department;
  • "Научный проект  "Мини-музеи литературного краеведения в школе". Tabakova Zinaida Petrovna – Doctor in Philology, Professor of "Russian language and literature" department;
  • "Я от вас своих мыслей не скрою" Dmitrik Tatyana Anatolyevna - the teacher of Luzinka SS of Esil region;
  • "Работа литературного объединения Северо-Казахстанской области" Мatveeva Irina Alekseevna – the specialist of Museum association of NKO;
  • "Развитие лингвокультурных компетенций учащихся  на уроках русского языка" Misyachenko Svetlana Viktorovna - Candidate in Philology, Associate Professor of "Russian language and literature" department;
  • "Поэтические произведения Альфреда Николаевича Пряникова" - Bekturganova Raushan, Bezhenova Anastasiya, Petrov Bogdan - students of "Russian language and literature" department.

The following recommendations were made during the seminar:

  • to create mini-museums at schools for the study of creativity of local poets;
  • to use widely in academic work and scientific societies of students (SSS) project method, which promotes the development of creative abilities of pupils, involves them in research work and forms of intercultural tolerance;
  • to develop linguocultural and mental competence at the lessons of Russian language and literature;
  • to practice cultural events on literature of local history in the educational and cultural institutions.

All the participants got methodological materials and an offer to cooperate with "Assembly of People of Kazakhstan" department of M. Kozybayev NKSU in the preparation of the scientific projects of pupils, programs of extracurricular classes, conducting of extra-curricular activities related to inter-ethnic and intercultural interaction.
