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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Military department of the university organized a festive parade

Military department conducted a parade devoted to the 71st anniversary of the Great Victory and 24th anniversary of Military Forces of Kazakhstan.

The main guests were, of course, Veterans of Front and Labor. The event was opened by the rector of the university Undasyn Baykenovich Ashimov. He expressed a sincere gratitude Veterans of Front and Labor for their heroic achievements.

Today, the cadets of the military department of NKSU are ready to continue the defense of the Fatherland. There are 28 girls among cadets. In just 18 years of existence of the military department more than 2 million reserve officers and sergeants have graduated.

Parade songs of cadets continued by the creative programs of the guests. A folk song "Alia" was performed by the female quartet of the department of musical disciplines.

Soldiers of the military unit 6637 have performed the demonstrative program.

All this is only a small fraction of our appreciation for life and a peaceful sky. This great holiday reminded about the heroism and patriotism of all the defenders of our motherland once again!
