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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Head of the department of Transport and mechanical engineering Vitaly Savinkin has defended the Doctoral thesis successfully

Head of  the department of Transport and mechanical engineering of Engineering and Technology Faculty Vitaly Vladimirovich Savinkin has defended the Doctoral thesis on the theme "The development of the theory of of single-bucket excavators energy efficiency" successfully. Defence was held in the Siberian State Automobile and Road Academy. Soon, he will be awarded the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences.

Vitaly Vladimirovich works at our university since 2004. During this time, he has established himself as a visionary leader and professional in his field. He is one of the most prospective and promising employees of NKSU. And he has been awarded the title "The Best University Teacher" by the results of the Republican contest of this year.

The teachers and staff of our university congratulate Vitaly Vladimirovich with the successful defense of the dissertation and wish him new victories and success in science! 
