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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


The team of the military department of NKSU took 5th place in the military-patriotic youth gathering "Aibyn"

From 13 to 18 June at the training center Spassk in Central Kazakhstan region held the second Republican military-patriotic youth gathering "Aibyn", dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan. From all over Kazakhstan in Karaganda attended by 26 students of military departments of higher educational institutions, including our university team took 5th place. The team of NKSU named after M. Kozybayev represented 10 people, including 2 women. 

From 8 sports represented at the competition, in the team competiton, our students have won prizes in three position. Complex strenth exercises and disassemly, assembly of the machine- first place and third place in the tag of war. The guys competed not only in the team competition, but also in the individual competition. Our girls Karina Valeeva and Aytmagambetova Karina took first and second places in Exercise "flexion and extension arms in emphasis lying." The second and third place in the disassembly and assembly of the machine took our students Alexander Menshikov and Beisembaev Adil. 

The event was supported by the Ministry of Defense of the republic of Kazakhstan. Tent camp was organized for participants. During the gather the students lived under military Manual. In the morning reveille, physical exercise, breakfast - all this has allowed them to feel like real soldiers, and make friends with the guys from other teams.

The closure of military-patriotic youth gathering "Aibyn" was held with the participation of Minister of Defense of Kazakhstan Imangali Tasmagambetov Nurgalievich.

Our students did not stop there and to this day maintain their daily workout. We wish them success and aspirations in the comprehension of military knowledge.
