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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


A round table on the theme "Opposition to religious extremism and terrorism: problems and solutions" was hold in university

"Opposition to religious extremism and terrorism: problems and solutions". On this topic a round table was held at the university. A meeting with students was organized by the regional branch of the PDPP "Auyl".

Often it is religious illiteracy that leads people to the wrong path. In this connection, experts of various structures is conducting constantly outreach work with young people. At this time law enforcement officials, politicians, representatives of religions and teachers of the university addressed the NKSU named after M. Kozybayev students.

There are about 2,000 religious schools in Kazakhstan which are a threat to national security and stability. At a meeting with the students there was spoken about how the law punishes those who spread false rumors to the masses.

In turn, the ministers of religions, presenting their religion, point out that the activities of extremists has no relation to the canons of traditional religions.

With regard to the legal aspects, Kazakhstan has quite stable base. This is the law "On Combating Terrorism" and the Law "On counteraction to extremism". City ​​maslikhat deputy Pavel Afanasyev believes that large-scale changes are not required. Yet in response to recent events in the world and the country there have been some adjustments.

The meeting resulted in the signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation between the People's Democratic Patriotic Party "Auyl" and North Kazakhstan State University named after academician Kozybayev.
