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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Science for the economy

At M. Kozybayev NKSU it was held V International scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of science and education in the field of natural and agricultural sciences", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of M. Kozybayev NKSU.

Scientists from Bashkiria, neighboring regions of Russia, the North Kazakhstan Livestock and Plant Growing Research Institute, S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University, representatives of the public, teachers, undergraduates and students of our university took part in the work of the forum.

Opening the meeting, acting rector of NKSU Serik Omirbayev outlined the range of tasks that the Head of State put forward to the scientific community in the regular Message to the people of Kazakhstan "The third modernization of Kazakhstan: global competitiveness." To solve these tasks, it is necessary to develop the country's intellectual potential, to develop mechanisms for effective interaction of science and technology, to involve science in innovative development of the economy and modernization of production.

At M. Kozybayev NKSU there is doing a lot in this direction. It is expanded the list of specialties of agricultural and processing directions. In 2 years it is planned to allocate the agrarian faculty as an independent unit. The chair of "Agriculture" developed and introduced new agrotechnical technologies, adapted new varieties of agricultural plants, improved ways of storing crop production. The project of North Kazakhstan scientists "Commercialization of pulse-beam technology for water purification for various purposes" has found practical application, - Serik Omirbaev said.

Scientists of NKSU suggest using bottom sediments of the lakes of Northern Kazakhstan to preserve and improve soil fertility and increase yield. The increase in yield can be achieved by processing the planting material with activated water, obtained by a cavitation unit at the university. The active participation of our biologists in the international and republican programs of the Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity of Kazakhstan allows us to assess the state of migratory birds populations on the territory of the North Kazakhstan region. Students and teachers of NKSU are constantly invited to work on the expeditions of the Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity of Kazakhstan in other regions of Kazakhstan.

In his speeches, the general director of the North Kazakhstan Research Institute of Livestock and Plant Growing, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Ayup Iskakov, associate professor of the chair of "Agriculture" of NKSU, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Kulbaram Bayazitova, dean of the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences of NKSU, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Irina Golodova touched upon the urgent issues of the development of the agriculture, the agrarian and natural sciences. It was also about the development and implementation of innovative technologies. The reports of Russian scientists were also informative. The conference received more than 70 reports from 100 authors from higher educational institutions and scientific organizations of Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus and Mongolia.
