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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Mutual respect, creativity, peace: the University celebrated the Day of gratitude and the 25th anniversary of the APK

A quarter century behind us! This year, the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan celebrates its 25th anniversary. During this time, she has done a great job of regulating interethnic relations, achieving understanding and trust in a multinational Kazakhstani society.

March 1, we will celebrate the anniversary of the APK and the Day of gratitude, which was established in 2016. On the eve of this date, the university hosted a solemn event "In a single family", with the participation of students and teachers of all faculties, as well as representatives of ethnocultural associations of the regional APK.

The participants presented their culture, national costumes, books, and folk art objects symbolizing ethnic groups living together in the North-Kazakhstan region.

The event was attended by guests from the national cultural autonomies of the Kazakhs of Tyumen, Omsk, Kurgan, employees of the Embassy of Ukraine in Kazakhstan, Ukrainian public organizations.

Sara Tasemenova, Chairman of the Council of veterans of Petropavlovsk, shared her warm memories of the difficult childhood years when Kazakhstanis took representatives of repressed peoples under their Shanyrak.

Acting rector Yerbol Issakayev noted that the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, born of the people's will and supported by Elbasy, gathered all the ethnic groups of the Republic under its wing. The strengthening of the scientific and educational component of the APK is currently taking place due to the opening of departments in higher educational institutions of the country. The Department "Assembly of People of Kazakhstan", created in our University, is 6 years old on April 28. It was opened one of the first in Kazakhstan.

Head of the Secretariat of the regional APK Muratbek Zeynullin shared plans for further interaction with the Department of APK of the M. Kozybayev NKSU. This perspective structure combines scientific potential and practical activities, which are carried out through multi-vector work in three main areas: educational, scientific and methodological, and educational. Representatives of the Assembly of North Kazakhstan region, external partner organizations, students, undergraduates and teachers of the University were awarded for their contribution to strengthening inter-ethnic harmony.

Artists of choreographic ensembles, talented musicians and vocalists from Petropavlovsk performed brightly on the stage of the Alma mater. In their rooms, they reflected the cultural diversity of Kazakhstan, peace, prosperity and love for the Motherland.
