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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Student rector elected at M. Kozybayev NKSU

The University held an extended meeting of the student administration of the M. Kozybayev NKSU. It was attended by the Vice-rector for educational work and social affairs, employees of the supervising Department, student deans of faculties, representatives of the Committee for Youth Affairs and the Trade Union of students.

The first question the audience heard was the report of acting student Director Anel Akhmetova on the organization's activities for the first semester of the academic year. Thus, more than 15 events of educational and cultural nature were held both at the University level and at the faculties. Activists of the student Directorate are members of the collegial management bodies of the University and participate in the work of commissions.

The most important thing in the agenda was the question number two – "On election of the student rector". Starting from December of last year, 5 applicants, under the guidance of employees of the project office "Sanaly Urpak", prepared their programs for the development of student self-management and held training seminars. The candidates presented the results of almost two months of work "to the court" of the participants of the meeting. Each report was accompanied by questions from the audience. After listening to all the speeches, the audience began the voting procedure. On specially prepared ballots, they had to put a tick next to the name of their favorite.

The most long-awaited moment has come. The first-year student of the educational program "Mathematics-Physics" Asem Murat won a convincing majority of votes. At the end of the meeting, the participants congratulated her on this important event and wished her good luck in this responsible post of student rector.
