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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


With care for the children remaining in the university dormitories

50 students at M. Kozybaev NKSU, including students of the Foundation faculty, for various reasons, could not return home and stayed in hostel No. 3. Among them are students from the Almaty region, Mongolia, China, oralmans, and those who came from Yakutia by academic mobility.

Everyone is provided with a non-contact mode, sanitary measures for the quarantine period are fully complied with, thanks to the high-speed Internet, they fully master materials on distance learning. The university’s leadership also takes care of providing them with foodstuffs and other essential goods; at the university’s expense, they purchased meat, pasta, cereals, butter, vegetables, tea, sugar, salt, soap, cleaning products and other goods that are so necessary for the children at the moment. In this difficult period for the country, we must help each other and take care of our students, according to M. Kozybayev NKSU.
