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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Cyber pedagogy in the context of digitalization of education

“The content of training should be harmoniously complemented by modern technical support. It is important to continue work on the development of digital educational resources ”- these are the words of the Leader of the nation N. A. Nazarbayev became the motto of the international round table "Cyberpedagogy in the context of digitalization of education".

The online event was organized by the Science Council under the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy and the editors of the information and educational Internet portal "Homo Cyberus". The rectors and professors of leading universities of Kazakhstan, including ours, the chairmen of the Councils of young scientists of universities of Kazakhstan, Russia, Armenia, Tajikistan, the scientific community took part in it.

The cases discussed by the speakers touched upon the development of Lightspeed management in the educational process of the university, Internet design as a technology of cyber pedagogy in higher pedagogical education, the prospects for the transformation of the educational environment of universities in the context of digitalization of education in Kazakhstan and others.

Cyber ​​pedagogy is becoming a trend in modern education and, along with digital technologies, is firmly entering our lives. Work in the remote format during the pandemic has shown that there are many perspectives in this that we can use in ordinary pedagogical activities.
