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Case assignment on the discipline "Pedagogical management and management in a modern school"


Стартовал новый этап программы Erasmus+ - Университет Лобачевского
Researcher, coach of the DeSTT projec,
Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology (Chemodanova G.I.)
  1. Fundamentals of pedagogical management in the theory and practice of managing educational systems
  2. Controlfunctions
  3. System-functional model of the manager of an educational institution
  4. Managerial culture of the head. Selfmanagement.
  5. The practice of managing the educational process
  6. Theoretical foundations of strategic planning in the management system of an educational institution
  7. Strategic planning methodology
  8. Strategic planning of the activities of a comprehensive school
  9. Planning and decision making as functions of pedagogical management
  10. Ensuring the realization of pedagogical goals: technology issues
  11. Efficientmanagement
  12. Control in pedagogical management

 1. Fundamentals of pedagogical management in the theory and practice of managing educational systems


Situation 1. This year, businessman G. Town spoke at a meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers with a report "The Engineer as an Economist." For the first time, the report spoke about the need for management as a professional specialization and scientific discipline. The starting point for the development of management is considered to be 1866.

Exercise. Establish and formulate the prerequisites that caused the consideration and development of management as a professional specialization and scientific discipline.

Situation 2. It is known that when developing "scientific management," F. Taylor did not rely on the data of psychologists and sociologists and did not himself engage in thorough psychological and sociological research.

Exercise. Suggest an algorithm for studying the situation. Show how the process changes over time. How did this affect the theory and practice of management at that time and subsequent periods?

Situation 3. In a new school in the 1960s. An independent scientific discipline arose - the theory of managerial decisions.

Exercise. Justify the reasons for the emergence of this theory. What were the theoretical essence and practical orientation of this theory at the first stages of its development?

What are practice questions recognized to be solved by this theory in school?


2. Control functions 

Substantiate the thesis that the goal and objectives of pedagogical management express the essence of the first backbone factor of pedagogical management as an active social system.

Situation. The principal comes to the school at 7 a.m. and leaves at 8-9 p.m. For every event in the school, the leader reacts immediately and promptly. Before he had time to go into the office in the morning, the teacher on duty brought a fifth-grader to him, who broke the glass in the door.

Not having time to finish this conversation, the director discovers that the head teacher fell ill and two teachers did not come to work. Steps are being taken to organize replacements. The principal then goes to 6th grade for math, as teachers complain about poor discipline in that class. Ten minutes after the lesson passes, the supply manager looks in the door and calls the director: the school bosses called and asked to pick up 20 sheets of plywood urgently - a car is needed. It takes an hour to find a car and another 20 minutes - to form a team of escorts and loaders.

The director returns to the office, and on the way, he meets an eighth-grader who has been removed from the lesson - you need to talk with him and return him to the lesson, then you need to talk with the teacher who removed the student from the lesson. Two cleaners burst into the office, not dividing washing supplies between themselves, and the director tries to resolve the conflict. The conversation with the cleaners is not over; the phone rings, and the methodologist of the City Department of Education asks for data on the “movement” of students for the first quarter. At this time, the parent of a ninth-grader enters the office, having come with a complaint about the chemistry teacher.

The secretary looks in and sends a telephone message to the director stating that at 15.00 there will be a meeting of the heads of institutions and enterprises in the District Administration.

A meeting of the school parent committee is scheduled for 17.00, to which students who violate discipline and their parents are called. At 19.00, the director should be at a rehearsal of an amateur concert, which the school is preparing for veterans living in the micro-district.

Is such a director’s workload necessary? What can explain it? What measures should be taken to correct the management situation? Justify your answer.


3. System-functional model of the manager of an educational institution 

Exercise “Key characteristics of a leader.”

Think about what five or six of these qualities should be the critical characteristics of an excellent modern leader. What other qualities do you think will be in demand in the next ten years?”

Exercise “Charisma”

Members of the team, who sincerely believe in their leader, can endow him with some superhuman abilities, which determines the phenomenon of charisma. Someone may subconsciously evoke such a reaction with their appearance and mannerisms. Others - to assert their power over people, deliberately create a reputation for themselves as a person directly connected with the divine forces.

How can you create an image of a charismatic personality for a manager in the field of education?

Exercise “At the helm”

“Everyone can be at the helm when the sea is calm.” Your leadership qualities will be tested when the “sea” begins to rage when changes come, and people lose confidence and are at a loss. How do you instill hope when everyone is full of doubts about the organization's future?


4. Managerial culture of the head. Self-management. 

Situation. The general professional culture of a manager implies an understanding of the meaning and purpose of the term "criterion." Here are some definitions of this concept:

- criterion - measure, yardstick, evaluation;

- criterion - the choice of the preferred option from the alternatives;

- criterion - a quantitative reflection of the degree of achievement by the objective of the goals.

Task 1. Which definitions will you use to determine the criteria for the activities of the school and/or teacher? Justify your choice. Using additional sources, write down for yourself a working definition of the concept of "criterion."

Task 2. Develop criteria for the teacher's activity according to the following parameters:

- the teacher as a teacher;

- the teacher as a subject;

- teacher as methodologist;

- teacher as a psychologist;

- teacher as an organizer;

- teacher as manager.

Task 3.

Preparation and implementation of a management decision: position, schedule, internal regulations, et cetera.

Prepare a rationale for the management decision made.


Exercise 1. "Effective leader"

Instruction: "Pay attention to your leadership methods, which may have the following characteristics."


Leadership Behavior Models 





Attention to the achievement of workers
Attention to the actions of employees
I delegateresponsibility
I am responsible for everything
I take into account the situation
I work according to the plan
I encourage an individual approach
Everyone must follow the rules
I give subordinates the opportunity to show themselves
Only interested in his career
I criticize the work
I criticize workers
risk possible
You can't take risks
New interesting and useful
My knowledge is enough


Conclusion: If you act according to option II - you are a good "player", if option I is closer to you - you are a good "coach", i.e. more effective leader.


Exercise 2. 
«An effective employee through the eyes of a leader»

 The effectiveness of his employees determines the effectiveness of a manager. In solving specific problems, each employee manifests itself either as a "winner" or a "loser." The following characteristics of behavior can determine this:

Employee Behavior Models 


Courageously tackles a problem
"Walks" around the problem without trying to solve it
Listens to others more
Prefers to speak for himself
Finding positive qualities in others
Focuses on the shortcomings of others
Doesn't accept other people's experiences
afraid of mistakes
Focuses on opportunities and solutions
Focuses on problems and obstacles

: a “loser” can never become an effective employee. Strive for your employees to show themselves as “winners” more often.


5. The practice of managing the educational process 

Situation 1. Asel B., a student in the 9th grade, in the first half of the academic year, constantly missed classes, often without good reasons. The girl did not study well: she had low scores in the SOP, and the SOC for the first and second quarters were completed with a negative assessment. The result was the girl's illness, which in turn affected the student's motivation. The teaching staff, taking pity on her, gave positive marks in almost all subjects.

Thus, she was admitted to the final certification. The student's mother convinced the teachers and the director that Assel would go to college after the 9th grade, as she had already decided on her choice of profession. However, in August, the girl announced that she would continue her studies at school, as she planned to enter a university. The principal (with the collective support of the teachers) refused to accept the girl in the 10th grade, advising her to go to college, as was initially decided by the student and her parents.

Did the director do the right thing? If not, what decision should be made? Justify your point of view.


Situation 2. A 6th-grade student of school No. 22 in Pavlodar came to class in jeans and a T-shirt. The school's principal scolded the girl; in addition, she took her to several classes to show others how not to dress.

How legitimate were the actions of the principal of the school? Analyze and guess the outcome of this situation.

What would you do if you were a school principal?


Situation 3. A teacher at school-gymnasium No. 13 "Ecos" in Kokshetau, wrote the word "notebook" on the foreheads of 12 first-graders so that they would not forget to bring notebooks from home.

The parents assured that the teacher did not tell them that the children come to school without notebooks. Before the current situation, there were no claims from the teacher to the children.

After publicizing the situation, the head of the education department of the Akmola region held an operational meeting with the invitation of the head of the education department of Kokshetau, the director and deputy director for educational work of ESHG No. 13 "Ecos." The teacher was fired under article 52, p1, pp. 14 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Analyze this situation. Suggest ways out of the situation.


6. Theoretical foundations of strategic planning in the management system of an educational institution 

Task 1. What should information about the micro-district or city be taken into account when developing an annual plan for the educational work of a general education school? Justify your answer.

Task 2. Present the system of plans available in a comprehensive school and show the links between them. Justify each of them.

Task 3. Is it permissible for only the head to work on the creation of an annual plan for the educational work of an educational institution? How will such a monopoly on authorship affect the content of this document and its implementation? What managerial functions (from the position of pedagogical management) should the head perform when developing the annual educational work plan?


7. Strategic planning methodology 

Тask 1. Give examples of using a set of strategies related to certain areas of development of an educational institution (educational, educational, social, psychological). Choose two directions to formulate a set of (at least 3) strategies. Justify them.

Task 2. In strategic management, there are several types of missions: mission purpose, policy, and mission orientation.

Mission purpose - a narrow but specific understanding and designation of the type of activity, the nature of the educational services provided, and the circle of their consumers.

Mission orientation is a broad, detailed idea of ​​the system of values ​​that an educational institution's administration and teaching staff adhere to.

The mission policy is the concentration of the main goals and a clearer idea of ​​the activities of the educational institution shortly and in the future.

What type of mission is most common in modern management practice? Give examples of each type of mission using the experience of Kazakhstani schools. Is it possible, in your opinion, to single out the pros and cons of choosing one or another type of mission?

How would you define the mission?

- KSU "Secondary school-complex of aesthetic education No. 8";

- KSU "Gymnasium" BEST ";

- KSU "Secondary school-complex of national revival No. 17";

- KSU "First Gymnasium."


8. Strategic planning of the activities of a comprehensive school 


Task 1. List the skills and abilities of a manager that determine his readiness to put into practice the organization as a structure, as a management function, as a process, and as an activity

Task 2. Develop a work plan for an educational institution for a quarter

Task 3. Present the system of plans available in the general education school and show the links between them. Justify each of them.

Тask 4. As managers of an educational institution, do you believe in the success of management by objectives? Give a detailed explanation.

Task 5. Why the planning process is essential, justify.


9. Planning and decision-making as functions of pedagogical management 

Situation 1. Prepare and implement a management decision: position, schedule, internal regulations, et cetera.

Situation 2. Prepare a rationale for the managerial decision.

Situation 3. The head of an educational institution, at the end of the week, holds a meeting of the administration, at which mutual information is carried out on the most important events of the managerial week, the progress of the plan for the month, tasks for specific persons, orders are checked, the necessary clarifications are made to the plan, corrective measures are developed, a to-do list for the next week.

What is the purpose of such meetings? How justified is it?

To analyze a task, use the Ishikawa method (“why-why,” “fishbone,” “cause-and-effect diagram”) to analyze the underlying causes of this problem.

Suggest several options for managerial decisions to eliminate the identified shortcomings in social and pedagogical activities.


10. Ensuring the realization of pedagogical goals: technology issues 

 Task: Taking into account the content, goals, and objectives of the updated content of education, develop a model of a school graduate/level of education (students of grade 4, grade 9, grade 11).

Correlate the developed model with the personality of students of the corresponding level. What regulatory documents did you rely on when modeling? How realistic is your model built? Justify your conclusions using one of the analyzed methods of analysis.


11. Effective management 


Situation 1. The headmaster of one of the schools once every two weeks hears the reports of the class teachers concerning mainly academic performance, attendance, morbidity, and discipline of students. Each class teacher comes to the director's office at the time set for him. He supports his report with documentation: a class journal, a work plan, a diary of a class teacher, et cetera.

Comment on the situation, focusing on the effectiveness of control over the work of class teachers. Justify your point of view.

Situation 2. A mathematics teacher in one of the schools had a reputation as a good, experienced teacher. The head teacher of the educational school got acquainted with its work experience and made conclusions that were completely unexpected for the director and the teaching staff of the school.

The headteacher found that the teacher hardly prepares for lessons, she has been using old plans and notes for five years, the lessons are not structured taking into account the updated content of education, she shifts all the difficulties of learning new material onto students, she practically does not play the role of a mentor.

How did the teacher achieve positive results in her work? How can one explain the erroneous opinion of leaders about the work of a teacher?


12. Control in pedagogical management 

 Situation 1. Planning of working time for a week.

A) Make a list of areas of activity in which you, as a manager, should work during the week (for example, methodological direction - studying the literature on a specific problem; attending seminars; conducting master classes; meeting with students' parents, et cetera).

B) For each direction, set goals - the results you intend to get during the week.

С) Determine the specific tasks that need to be solved for each goal to be achieved.

D) Distribute these tasks by day of the week. If possible, please indicate each activity's estimated start and end times.

Situation 2. The head teacher came to the teacher's lesson without warning him about it the day before.

Did he do the right thing? Is it necessary to draw up a schedule of intra-school control and bring it to teachers' attention? If a schedule of intra-school control needs to be drawn up, what document should it be reflected in?

Task 1. Formulate the goals of intraschool control.

Exercise "Feedback"
For quality correction, the manager needs feedback. What is it for? How will you implement it?