The Department of Primary, Preschool and Special Education was established on October 1, 2024 as a result of the merger of two departments "Theory and Methodology of Primary and Preschool Education" (2002, previously the Department of Methods of Primary Education (1978) and the Department of Special and Social Pedagogy (2018) and is the graduate for the preparation of bachelors and undergraduates in the areas of training 6B012 Pedagogy of preschool education and training, 6B013 Teacher training without subject specialization, 6B018 Training of specialists in social pedagogy and 6B019 Special pedagogy. Students are taught in Kazakh, Russian and English. Departments have been opened and are functioning in educational institutions of the city of Petropavlovsk in the areas of training of the department. Teachers of the department and students are actively engaged in research activities, take part in international, republican scientific and practical conferences and seminars, olympiads and round tables, etc. The department is working to expand international cooperation with higher educational institutions of the near and far abroad. Social and educational activities at the department are implemented in accordance with the Mission and Development Strategy of the University and the department.
Address: Petropavlovsk, Internationalnaya st., 26, building 5
Teachers's room,laboratory room: tel. +7 (7152) 493177, internal 1260
Galina Sergeevna
Head of Chair Department of Primary, Preschool and Special Education
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Bachelor's degree :
6B01302 Primary Education and Inclusive Practice (US)
6B01902 Special pedagogy (speech therapy)
6B01903 Oligophrenopedagogics
6B01903 Defectology (oligophrenopedagogics)
6B01904 Sign language
6B01905 Preschool defectology
6B01906 Special pedagogy
6B01907 Special Pedagogy and Inclusive Practice
6B01907 Special Pedagogy and Inclusive Practice (US)
Master's degree :
Senior lecturer, "Special, primary and pre-school education" chair , ph.d.
Lecturer, "Special, primary and pre-school education" chair , master
Honorary Associate Professor, "Special, primary and pre-school education" chair , candidate of philological sciences
Senior lecturer, "Special, primary and pre-school education" chair , master
Senior lecturer, "Special, primary and pre-school education" chair , candidate of philological sciences
Senior lecturer, "Special, primary and pre-school education" chair , master
Зав. кафедрой, senior lecturer, "special, primary and pre-school education" chair , candidate of pedagogical sciences
Senior lecturer, "Special, primary and pre-school education" chair , master
Senior lecturer, "Special, primary and pre-school education" chair , master
Lecturer, "Special, primary and pre-school education" chair , master
Senior lecturer, "Special, primary and pre-school education" chair , master
Professor, "Special, primary and pre-school education" chair , candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor
Директор института/декан факультета, senior lecturer, "special, primary and pre-school education" chair , candidate of pedagogical sciences
Lecturer, "Special, primary and pre-school education" chair
Senior lecturer, "Special, primary and pre-school education" chair , master
Associate Professor, "Special, primary and pre-school education" chair , ph.d.