M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University has scientific schools, research centers and laboratories.
Their activities are aimed at creating an innovative environment, effectively using the scientific potential of the university to implement projects and create favorable conditions for conducting promising developments in accordance with the priorities of scientific and technological development of the country.
- Dialogue of cultures and languages (Tabakova Z.P., Ph.D.).
- Automation of production processes.
- Development of intelligent remote monitoring systems.
- Wireless monitoring of data collection. (Ivel V.P.,Doctor of Technical Sciences).
- Increasing the physical and mechanical properties of the surfaces of parts to be restored by plasma technologies (Savinkin V.V., Ph.D.).
- Social thought of the XXI century (Taishybai Z.S., Ph.D.).
- Agroeffect. Agricultural economy and the economy of the agro-industrial complex. (Sivolap V.N., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences).
- Variety testing of field crops (Shayakhmetova A.S., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences).
- Improvement of breeding and productive qualities of farm animals (Bayazitova K.N., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences).
- The Center for Astrophysical Research.
- Scientific Research Center for Ethnocultural Studies.
- The Center for the Study of the Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Great Steppe named after M. Kozybaev.
- The Abaytanu Center.
- The center of the creative industry.
- Laboratory of physical-chemical methods of research (head Dyuryagina Antonina Nikolayevna, Candidate in Chemical sciences) is engaged in researches in the field of anticorrosive protection of metalstructures, technologies of hydrometallurgical processing of polymetallic raw materials. List of equipment.
- Laboratory of plants chemistry and biological active combinations (head Meshchanova Anna Gennadievna, doctoral student) carries out researches in the field of creation and use of preparations ofmedicinal plants of NKO.
- Laboratory of organic synthesis (head Yanevich Alyona Vadimovna, master) develops new biotechnological products. List of equipment.
- Laboratory of biological chemistry (head Mokshin Dmitry Sergeevich, master) conducts research on the study of the chemical composition of the flora of Northern Kazakhstan and creation on its basis of efficient, ecologically clean drugs. List of equipment.
- Laboratory of new biologicals (head Zveryachenko Timur Sergeevich, Candidate in Pharmaceutical sciences) is engaged in researches in the field of working out the medicinal preparations of prevention the bacterium discharge and complex treatment of antibiotic stable forms of tuberculosis of lungs.
- Engineering laboratory of robotics, microelectronics and energy ecology (head Kashevkin Alexander Alexandrovich, Dr. PhD) carries out research and development work in the development of automation technologies of measurement, inspection and testing.
- Laboratory of "Mathematical modeling and designing of robotics systems" (head Ivel Viktor Petrovich, Doctor in Technical sciences, Associate Professor) is responsible for research and development works in the development of adaptive underwater robotic systems.
- Лаборатория нанотехнологий (руководитель Сартин Сергей Александрович, к.ф.-м.н.) занимается изучением поверхностей различного рода материалов в наноразмерном режиме с использованием сканирующего зондового микроскопа.
- Laboratory of "Mathematical modeling of socio-economic process" (head Kulikova Valentina Petrovna, Candidate in Technical sciences, Associate Professor) is engaged in researches of social and economic system, the general regularities of basic elements of an economic mechanism, and also regularities of development of decisions in problem situations.
- Научно-исследовательская лаборатория функциональной адаптации (руководитель Ботяев Сергей Викторович, магистр) проводит научно-исследовательскую и учебно-методическую работу в области формирования, развития и укрепления здоровья, повышение трудоспособности населения. List of equipment.