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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"

8D06101 Computer Science, Computer Technology and Management

Academic degree: PhD in specialty 8D06101 Computer Science, Computer Technology and Management

Certificate of accreditation

Field of professional activity: research, development, introduction of information technologies and systems; scientific, pedagogical and managerial activities in educational organizations.

The purpose of the educational program is to train personnel for the system of higher, postgraduate education and the research sector, which have in-depth scientific and pedagogical training.

Tasks of the educational program

  • in-depth theoretical and practical training in the chosen direction of science;development of the ability to self-improvement and self-development, the needs and skills of independent creative mastery of new knowledge during all active life;
  • training of specialists with a high level of professional culture, including a culture of professional communication, having a civil position, able to formulate and solve modern scientific and practical problems, teach in universities, successfully carry out research and management activities;
  • acquisition of skills in organization and conduct of scientific research.

The doctor must:

  • have an idea: the level of development of technical means, scientific achievements, international scientific forums;
  • know: theoretical bases of computer science, methods and models of control of computing processes, modern research methods and latest achievements in the field of computer technology and software;
  • be able to: set scientific research tasks, develop programs for their implementation and manage the implementation of these programs; 
  • have the skills: application of modern methods of scientific research in the field of computer science, computer technology, software and management;
  • be competent: in the field of computer science, computer technology and software and related fields.

Objects of professional activity:

  • computer services of government bodies;
  • computer services of industrial enterprises;
  • computer services of financial organizations, etc.;
  • information services of scientific research institutions;
  • information services of government bodies;
  • educational establishments;
  • information services of design organizations;
  • information services of industrial enterprises and others.

Types of professional activity:

  • organizational and technological;
  • calculation and design;
  • service-operational;
  • production-technological;
  • organizational and managerial;
  • research;pedagogical;
  • project.

Content of professional activity:

  • design and calculation and design activities:
    • the development of a design strategy, the definition of design objectives, performance criteria, applicability constraints;
    • conceptual design of information systems and technologies;
    • preparation of tasks for designing components of information systems and technologies on the basis of methodology of system engineering;
    • selection and implementation of computer-aided design tools;
    • unification and typification of project solutions;
  • organizational and management activities:
    • the organization of interaction between teams of the developer and the customer, the adoption of managerial decisions in the context of different opinions;
    • finding a compromise between the various requirements (cost, quality, execution time) for both long-term and short-term planning, finding optimal solutions;
  • research activities:
    • collection, analysis of scientific and technical information, domestic and foreign experience on the subject of research;
    • development and research of theoretical and experimental models of objects of professional activity in various fields;
    • development and research of methods of analysis, synthesis, optimization and forecasting of the quality of the processes of object functioning;
    • modeling of processes and objects on the basis of standard packages of computer-aided design and research;
    • the formulation and implementation of experiments on a given methodology and analysis of the results;
    • analysis of the results of experiments, preparation and compilation of reviews, reports and scientific publications;
    • forecasting the development of information systems and technologies;
  • pedagogical activity:
    • performance of pedagogical work in educational institutions of various levels in the disciplines of the direction;
    • development of laboratory and research complexes;methodical support of the educational process;
  • service-operation activity:
    • training and staff training;
  • production and technological activity:
    • author's support of the processes of designing, implementing and maintaining information systems and technologies in production;
  • organizational and technological activity:
    • development of organizational documents, technological maps and their optimization;
    • the study of qualitative indicators of the functioning of the information system and the formation of technologies for their improvement.

Learning outcomes 8D06101 Computer Science, Computer Technology and Management