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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"
Faculty News
NSSF: Выпускники бакалавриата и магистратуры ФИЭП получили дипломы

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Placement of graduates

To graduates - about the portal of the electronic labor exchange

To graduates - about the placement platform

Employment of graduates is a significant indicator of the University effectiveness. M. Kozybayev NKU pays close attention to this area of activity, which is reflected in the systematic improvement and development of the system for promoting the employment of graduates and a high percentage of employed graduates every year.

In the organization of employment activities, the University is guided by the following legal framework:

In accordance with the legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of graduates employment, mandatory employment is subject to:

  • citizens studying under the project "Serpin-2050" are required to work in the region at the place of study for at least three years after graduating from a higher educational institution:
  1. East Kazakhstan region.
  2. Kostanay region.
  3. Pavlodar region.
  4. North Kazakhstan region.
  5. Кaraganda region.
  6. Аkmola region.
  7. Аbay region.
  8. Ulytau region.
  • citizens who have entered training in pedagogical specialties within the quota provided to citizens from among rural youth, work in state educational organizations located in rural areas for at least three years after graduation from higher education.
  • citizens of RK, received teacher training on the basis of state-commissioned education (bachelor's, master's) required to work in state educational institutions for at least three years after graduation;
  • citizens who have studied in other specialties on the basis of a state educational order, work in organizations, regardless of the form of ownership, for at least three years after graduation;
  • citizens who are enrolled in the doctoral program of the doctor of philosophy (PhD) on the basis of a state educational order are required to work in higher educational institutions or scientific organizations for at least three years after completing their studies.

The distribution of students at the University is organized in two stages:

  • pre-distribution (by December 10)
  • final distribution (by June 1)

The final distribution of graduates is carried out by the Commission for the distribution of young professionals, whose composition is approved by the order of the rector.

Tips for preparing a resume for graduates

Presentation about mandatory testing



Employment indicators of M. Kozybayev NKU graduates

Academic years Number of graduates Number of employed
Indicator of employment, % 
total by state order total
by state order total by state order
1733 536 1563 489 90% 91%
1830 768 1426 682 78% 89%
2013 1181 1692 1007 81% 85%