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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


We are implementing a project in the field of animal husbandry

A seminar was held at the university as part of the implementation of a scientific project on program-targeted financing from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Teachers and undergraduates of the Department of Food Safety of Kozybayev University became co-executors of the project of the program "Development of technologies of maintenance, feeding, cultivation and reproduction in dairy cattle breeding based on the use of adapted resource-saving and digital technologies for various climatic zones of Kazakhstan" two years ago.

It will be implemented until the end of 2023 together with the S. Seifulin KATRU, the amount of funding is 30 million tenge. At the moment, the Eurasian patent "Premix for dairy cattle" has already been obtained, norms for feeding and keeping dairy cattle have been developed, optimal conditions for its reproduction have been determined. At the seminar, the technologies of growing heifers, the state and prospects for the development of animal husbandry in the North Kazakhstan Region and other issues were considered. The head of the project, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the S. Seifullin KATRU Saule Bostanova made a speech.

In the practical part of the event, our scientists demonstrated their own developments on the basis of agricultural companies in the region: the technology of feeding dairy calves using a whole milk substitute on a plant basis, the production preparation of a whole milk substitute on a plant basis at the multifunctional MFP-200 installation, the work of a mobile mini feed mill, the development of domestic norms for feeding dairy cattle according to NRC standards (USA).
