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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


The opening ceremony of the academic year for students of two-degree programs

This year, more than 490 students enrolled in the educational programs of Kozybayev University, opened in partnership with the University of Arizona. The start of their academic year was given in a solemn event with the participation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Deputy Akim of the North Kazakhstan Region and colleagues from the University of Arizona.

"Our first task is to create such a situation by opening branches of foreign universities in regional universities so that high-quality good international education can be obtained not only in Almaty and Astana. The proof is our program here at Kozybayev University… This year we have accepted children from 18 regions of the country for it… I came here to welcome new students whose lives will change thanks to this cooperation," said Minister Sayasat Nurbek.

He introduced students to a unique course elaborated with Google for the development of artificial intelligence. He also spoke about the main vectors of the development of the higher education system in the country. 

The collaboration with the American university on the implementation of diploma and international programs has been operating at our university for the second year. And, if 150 people enrolled it in 2022, then this year it is already three and a half times more.

The representative of the University of Arizona, John Paul Jones, congratulated the students on their admission and thanked the MSHE, the administration of the North Kazakhstan Region, Kozybayev University for the opportunity to open a global double degree program. "It would not be an exaggeration to say that the cooperation that we started last year, which we are expanding and deepening today, activates the development of this region in a wide range of areas: education and social progress of youth, in the effective and sustainable use of its resources for the benefit of all, as well as in the search for empirically based solutions to problems in all sectors economy, public administration and civil society," he concluded.

Also during the visit to the North Kazakhstan Region, Sayasat Nurbek got acquainted with the dormitories of the university, including two modern Student Houses under construction for 1200 people.
