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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Film lecture on the historical drama "Promised Land"

The poignant drama about historical tragedy and true humanity by director Slambek Taukel was discussed at the university. In anticipation of Thanksgiving Day for the students of the university, an event in the format of a film lecture was organized by the "Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan" department. Excerpts from the film were shown on the screen, and representatives of different nationalities, whose fate is connected with deportation to Kazakhstan, shared moments from their family chronicles and expressed their opinions and gratitude for the assistance provided.

"Promised Land" is a historical drama about interethnic unity in an era of tragic upheavals and cruel trials. People of different nationalities, who became victims of repression and persecution in the 1930s, find themselves in exile on the vast Kazakh steppes. Meanwhile, the whole of Kazakhstan is experiencing the consequences of a terrible famine. Nevertheless, despite their own hardships and deprivations, the local population does not turn away from the exiled peoples. Thus, they find a new home and a true Motherland here.

Lyudmila Grivennaya, head of the APN department, spoke about the significance of Thanksgiving Day in Kazakhstan and the work of the State Commission for the Full Rehabilitation of Victims of Political Repression, of which she is a member. Subsequently, students who actively participated in the activities of the Commission were awarded with letters of appreciation and souvenirs.
